恭喜連映涵同學錄取臺灣師範大學表演藝術研究所Congratulations to Ida Lian on being successfully admitted to a Graduate Program at NTNU

English news, 榮譽榜, 系友


2014年,映涵曾以她的舞蹈專長及流利英文,獲選為外交部國際青年大使訪問團成員,前往多個友邦國家做親善訪問,推展國民外交。返臺後,又經本校甄選通過,以交換學生身分,前往本校姐妹校:瑞典Halmstad University,學習一年;其間不但與各國學生共同生活學習,也參訪歐洲各國文化教育設施,收穫豐富。


DELL senior student Ida Ying-Han Lian has gained admission to a graduate program in the Department of Performing Arts at National Taiwan Normal University.

Ida is very capable at learning English, and her artistic talent is even better. Having practiced dance since childhood and participated in lots of performances at home and abroad, Ida has had extensive experience exchanging ideas with dancers from around the world. She has not only improved her dancing, but also enhanced her language and communication skills, at the same time broadening her horizon and mind.

In 2014, due to her dance ability and fluent English, Ida was chosen as an International Youth Ambassador by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She flew to diplomatically-related countries for goodwill visits. After returning to Taiwan, she successfully applied for a one-year exchange program to Halmstad University in Sweden, one of TCU’s sister universities. During the exchange, she not only lived and learned with students of other nationalities, but also visited European cultural and education institutions. This exchange brought Ida abundant experience.

Ida has decided to enter the Institute of Performing Arts at NTNU by virtue of her deep English ability and professional background in dance and art. She will specialize in arts industry management, creating even more possibilities for herself in the future. She has made herself a good example for other students and deserves our congratulations.