學術交流基金會誠徵「#全英語授課專案助理 EMI Program Assistant」數名🔥🔥

徵才資訊, 職涯專區
可能是 10 個人和文字的圖像學術交流基金會與教育部合作EMI英語授課專業支援團隊專案計畫。此職位將駐點於 臺北市、桃園市、新竹市、臺南市 以及 高雄市 等地大學。我們歡迎認真主動、勇於挑戰、抗壓力強的夥伴加入推動國際教育的團隊!
歡迎有興趣的朋友透過 104平台 申請:
Job Opportunities: EMI Program Assistants
To promote the internationalization in local universities
, FSE and Taiwan’s Ministry of Education are now implementing the EMI Program. This year, the EMI Program will begin its journey in several new partner universities. We are now looking for several EMI Program Assistants. These positions may be designated to universities in Taipei City, Tainan City, and Kaohsiung City.
We welcome everyone who is interested in helping the EMI Program to apply this position. Please apply through the following website: