2020/3/19(星期四)15:40~17:30 專題演講:成功職涯的 24 個心法*講者:林奐名(ELVIS) ~ (人社院2A110階梯教室)
2020/3/19(星期四)15:40~17:30 成功職涯的 24 個心法 ~ (人社院2A110階梯教室)
林奐名,政治大學新聞研究所碩士,卻從未擔任一天的正職記者。 4 份工作皆任職於知名企業:統一、雀巢、 85 度 C 和 Gogoro 。先在 Gogoro 的首間實體門市 – 信義全球體驗中心擔任總店長,後成為 Gogoro 資深車主社群經理,透過線上跟線下操作,轉動 Gogoro 社群,產生大量行銷內容與媒體效益,並創造正向改變,引領 1,303 位車主創下金氏世界紀錄;更曾以英文向美國前副總統高爾執行簡報。加入 Gogoro 前,是貨真價實的咖啡職人,號稱血液裡的咖啡因濃度高達 95% ,並擁有「巴西專業咖啡鑑定師」與「國際咖啡品質鑑定師」雙證照。就學時即任政治大學職涯發展中心中、英文履歷表寫作與面試顧問團團長,並擔任英國國家廣播電台 (BBC) 特約口譯員、美聯社 (Associated Press) 實習記者等,亦曾遠赴法國巴黎高等政治學院攻讀交換學生學程一年。至今共累計超過 50 場教育訓練以及演講經驗,主題橫跨社群行銷、咖啡、履歷表/自傳/Cover Letter撰寫、面試技巧與職涯諮詢等主題。
Elvis Lin has possessed rich experience in both sales and marketing field, before joining Gogoro, he was a coffee expert in well-known companies like Nestle. His first role in Gogoro was our Flagship Store Manager, and he led a strong team to build tip-top standard and foundation for our retail operation. He then joined marketing team as Senior Manager, Community, to establish an impactful community sharing common belief, camaraderie, and love towards brand by integrating online and offline activities; the most notable achievement was he led 1,303 Gogoro owners to break the World Guinness Records of The Largest Parade of E-scooters. He has already ……….